Cancun Center, Conventions & Exhibitions

Boulevard Kukulcan KM. 9 1er Piso Zona Hotelera
Cancun, Quintana Roo C.P. 77500


Located in the heart of Cancun's hotel zone, totally remodeled with its 13 column-free salons divisible in 37 spaces and sparkling 152,852 square feet of convention and exhibition areas, Cancun Center will be the ideal choice for your event. Cancun Center was designed to meet the highest standards in architecture, top technology and functionality for international level events, conventions and meeting planning.

Cancun is definitely Mexico’s showcase resort. Few resorts in the world have the infrastructure and amenities that were built into Cancun from the beginning. This is one of the reasons that Cancun is Mexico's most popular resort, and chosen every year by many international Companies for congresses and conventions.


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