The 5th SG-ANZICS Asia Pacific Intensive Care Forum
Singapore, Singapore 17-21 May 2018
The 5th Annual SG-ANZICS Asia Pacific Intensive Care Forum will be held from 17-21 May 2018 at the Suntec Singapore Convention and Exhibition Centre. Focused on improving Intensive Care Medicine in developing Asia-Pacific countries, SG-ANZICS 2018 continues to raise the overall capabilities and spur the growth of the region's healthcare sectors to meet the changing demands, driving the next wave of healthcare modernizaton. The Forum will also congregate an impressive line-up of leading experts sharing on a diverse range of subjects related to clinical areas, research, education and leadership in intensive care medicine throught its CME accredited multi-track symposium, interactive sessions, breakfast and lunch symposia, pre-conference workshops and poster presentations. Mark your calendar and come together in Singapore for Asia Pacific's premier clinical ICU conference. Visit www.sg-anzics.com for more information.
please refer to website: SGD 750
Time: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Category: | Conferences / Science, Health and Medicine |
Organizer: | Kenes Asia | |