mHealth for Clinical Trials Summit
Boston, Massachusetts, USA 12-14 June 2017
The explosion of medical sensors and devices, combined with advanced data collection, management and analytical technologies, provides a tremendous opportunity to enhance the way we conduct clinical trials and accelerate the delivery of new therapies to patients. Now, with regulators continuing to encourage the use of mHealth technologies in clinical research, the pressure is increasingly on sites and sponsors to address the technical and cultural concerns that are preventing wider adoption.
Designed with input from leaders across the mHealth, clinical innovation and clinical data, the mHealth for Clinical Trials Summit will provide new insights and experiences into technologies evolving m-clinical strategies. The aim is to improve patient enrolment, adherence and engagement across biopharma.
Through a series of case study driven presentations, this is your chance to assess the critical challenges facing the implementation and utilization of these technologies within your organization. Join industry leaders in forging the path forward in transforming the clinical trial process through the revolutionary impact of mHealth.
Standard Price: Conference & 2 Workshops: USD 3697
Standard Price: Conference Only: USD 2699
Standard Price: Workshop Only: USD 699
Speakers: Rob DiCicco (GSK), Todd Townsend (FDA), Craig Lipset (Pfizer), Lauren Bataille (Michael J Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research), Jeremy Sohn (Novartis)