Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular Review in Bahrain: Case Based Approach
Manama, Bahrain 16-20 January 2018
This program in the middle east will provide cardiologists and internists with an overview of many aspects of cardiovascular medicine in a case-based format to highlight practice dilemmas and key management strategies. Mayo Clinic faculty will provide in-depth, engaging lectures on state-of-the-art subjects in cardiovascular medicine with interactive audience response system and question and answers with expert Mayo Clinic faculty. This comprehensive program will be a valuable educational opportunity to provide an update for the practicing provider with the latest clinical evaluation and management of patients encountered in daily practice.
Registration After Dec. 1, 2016: USD 765
Registration Before Dec. 1, 2016: USD 685
Speakers: Haitham Amin M.D., Naser M. Ammash M.D., Joseph F. Maalouf M.D., Samuel J. Asirvatham M.D., Heidi M. Connolly M.D., Robert D. McBane M.D., Steve Ommen, Grace Lin, Peter Brady, Malcolm Bell