World Summit on Pediatrics
Rome, Italy 22-25 June 2017
Through a variety of state-of-the-art sessions, keynote lectures, roundtable discussions, workshops and sessions including oral and poster presentations, the conference theme will underpin the need for collaboration and cooperation of individuals from a wide range of professional backgrounds; it will provide a wonderful forum for you to upgrade your knowledge and explore the innovations in Pediatrics.
This exciting conference will bring together researchers, clinicians and other healthcare professionals in an international forum, enabling the exchange of the latest advances in both science and practice, within the research and clinical community; the Conference will strive to offer plenty of networking opportunities, providing you with the opportunity to meet and interact with the leading scientists and researchers, friends and colleagues as well as sponsors and exhibitors.
We believe we have chosen a venue that guarantees a successful technical conference amid the culture and scenery of Rome; it’s appealing climate and exciting history is amongst the most interesting of any European capital city.
Full Participants: EUR 550
Full Participants (Low/ Low Middle Income Countries: EUR 460
Student: EUR 190
Ergife Palace Hotel
Via Aurelia, 619
Rome 00165