WPA 2018 Thematic Congress
Melbourne, Australia 25-28 February 2018
This first congress of the new WPA term will be different in both tone and ambition from international forums of recent years. We aim to face up to the challenges of innovation, novelty and reform to make psychiatry more relevant and effective for people with, and at risk of, mental illness around the world.
This meeting will not be 'more of the same'.
New ideas, new discoveries, new ways of implementing advances and new technological solutions are fundamental to the work of modern 21st Century psychiatry. The Congress theme of innovation captures this imperative.
Participants will be challenged to consider how effective mental health programs can be co-designed and scaled up across the globe. Psychiatry is part of the public health system, relevant to health promotion, prevention and health care. We'll look at how a revitalised and redesigned psychiatry can offer a great deal to society including longer more productive lives and stronger economies. Unlike other non-communicable diseases, mental illness is a domain where major return on investment is possible; we'll discuss the major rethink that's required in how care is conceived and delivered to realise this possibility.
starts from: USD 100
Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre
2 Clarendon Street, South Wharf, Victoria
Melbourne 3006