US Focus on Myeloproliferative Neoplasms and Myelodysplastic Syndromes
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA 4-5 August 2017
Join us August 4-5, 2017 in Philadelphia, PA for the US Focus on Myeloproliferative Neoplasms and Myelodysplastic Syndromes! This meeting promises to be a first-class educational event that focuses on the latest advances in myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) and myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS).
This conference will provide a platform to resolve many of the clinical challenges, diagnosis, and treatment of MPN and MDS through presentations and interactive discussions of the latest clinical and research findings. Topics that will be discussed by recognized experts during the conference include the underlying biology of MPN and MDS, how these events impact clinical practice, and updates in therapeutic interventions
Physician/Pharmacist/Researcher Early Rate (until 6.15.17): USD 249
Other HCP Early Rate (until 6.15.17): USD 99
Physician/Pharmacist/Researcher Discounted Rate (until 7.20.17): USD 299
Other HCP Discounted Rate (until 7.20.17): USD 149
Physician/Pharmacist/Researcher Regular/Onsite Rate (after 7.20.17): USD 349
Other HCP Regular/Onsite Rate (after 7.20.17): USD 199
Pharmaceutical Industry: USD 440
Speakers: P.K. Epling-Burnette MD, Rami Komrokji MD, John Mascarenhas MD, Ann Mullally MD, Attilio Orazi MD, Raajit K. Rampal MD PhD, David P. Steensma MD, Brady Lee Stein MD MHS, Celalettin Ustun MD, Srdan Verstovsek MD PhD, Amer Zeidan MBBS MHS