RNA-Seq 2017
San Francisco, California, USA 25-27 April 2017
RNA-Seq 2017 is a vital forum for expert biologists and bioinformaticians to come up to speed with the latest advances in applying RNA-Seq technologies and analytical tools from bench to bedside.
This year's agenda, designed by fore-thinkers in the industry, gives a greater focus to emerging technologies and their clinical applications. It will provide you with new solutions to key challenges including roadblocks in applying single cell technology in the clinic, the integration and mining of RNA-Seq data for drug discovery research, and novel methods to understand the impact of tissue composition and cellular interactions.
Join your peers in an in-depth discussion of data driven case studies to uncover how to fully utilize the technology, and accurately interpret vast amounts of data to unpick the complexity of the transcriptome.
Early Bird - Industry (Feb 10): USD 2299
Standard - Industry: USD 2699
Early Bird - Vendor (Feb 10): USD 2799
Standard - Vendor: USD 2999
Speakers: Jin Jen (Mayo Clinic), Paul Rejto (Pfizer Inc.), Chris Mason (Weill Cornell Medicine), Garry Nolan (Stanford University), Paul Kayne (Bristol Myers Squibb Co)