Neuropathic Pain (NeuPSIG) 2017
, Sweden 15-18 June 2017
It is my great pleasure to inform you about the 6th International Meeting of The Special Interest Group on Neuropathic Pain (NeuPSIG) of the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP), which will take place in Gothenburg, Sweden, on June 15-18, 2017.
The preceding five NeuPSIG congresses have gathered more than 6000 interacting delegates representing the five continents. In keeping with tradition, recent advances in basic science as well as the management of neuropathic will be addressed by world-renowned experts at the Congress. The scientific program will consist of plenary sessions, topical workshops, a special symposium, debates and poster presentations. The program is designed to meet the aims of NeuPSIG, which are "to advance the understanding of mechanisms, assessment, prevention and treatment of neuropathic pain".
This sixth congress in the series will be an important event for basic and clinical scientists as well as practicing healthcare workers from diverse fields of pain management with an interest in furthering the understanding and care of patients with neuropathic pain. With more than 1000 expected international delegates the NeuPSIG 2017 congress is a unique opportunity to network, strengthen international collaboration and enjoy an interesting and exciting scientific program.
Gothenburg offers superb location on the Swedish west coast, close to a sprawling archipelago. It is a friendly multicultural city with a small town feel - a venue not to be missed.
Delegates fee starts from: EUR 180
Time: 8:00 am to 7:00 pm