Mayo Clinic Course on Shoulder Tendon Transfer and Complex Rotator Cuff Repai
New York, USA 27-29 April 2017
This course will provide cutting-edge presentations, cadaver demonstrations, and cadaver-based workshops on the management of complex rotator cuff tears and conditions affecting the scapulothoracic joint. The course will highlight the principles, surgical techniques and outcomes of tendon transfers around the shoulder joint and scapula, advanced arthroscopically-assisted tendon transfers, and alternative salvage procedures such as reconstruction of the superior capsule, reverse shoulder arthroplasty and shoulder/scapulothoracic fusion. A portion of the course will allow attendees to perform tendon transfers on whole torso and upper extremity cadaveric specimens.
Course Highlights
• First time a shoulder tendon transfer course is offered in the United States
• Focus on shoulder tendon transfers
• Relive demonstrations by world renowned surgeons
General Session: USD 1000
Lab Workshop: USD 800
Artists / Speakers: Joseph A. Abboud, M.D., George Athwal, M.D., F.R.C.S.C., Dr. Pascal Boileau, Robert U. Hartzler, M.D., M.S., Samer Hasan, M.D., Ph.D., Dr. Guillaume Herzberg, Laurence D. Higgins, M.D., Dr. Jean Kany, Dr. Laurent Lafosse, Dr. Thibault Lafosse, Prof. Dr. Herbert Resch, Dr. Philippe Valenti, Jon J. P. Warner, M.D., Dr. Jean-David Werthel