Festival of Genomics San Diego
San Diego, California, USA 26-27 June 2017
The Festival of Genomics San Diego will bring together the genomics community with the collaborative goal to drive the benefits of genomics to patients, faster. The Festival will provide the big picture of what is going on within the industry. If you’re using genomics to drive forward RandD, drug development or the diagnosis and treatment of disease then this Festival is the place to get inspired and informed. We aim to create a memorable and enjoyable experience to connect with new, and old, colleagues.
Across two days, join over 1000 people, from academia, healthcare, pharma, technology providers and patient groups as we come together to celebrate and explore the advances taking place in genomics.
Hear insightful presentations including keynote sessions, covering 4 core themes at this year’s show: research and development, precision therapies, personalizing medicine and enabling data. Take advantage of our buzzing exhibition floor and newly added features for 2017 including: Silent Seminar Technology, Lunch and Learn Area, Launch Pads introducing some exciting innovations that are emerging and so much more.
Early bird (before June 2nd): USD 250
Standard: USD 400
On the door: USD 500
Speakers: Adam Pavlicek, Amalio Telenti, Amir Zarrinpar, Amy Heidersbach, Anshul Kundaje, Bonnie Rochman, Brian Granger, Brian O'Connor, Carrie Costantini, Chris Dupont, Chris Lippert, David Craig, David Dimmock, David Nelles, David Pride.
San Diego Convention Center
111 West Harbor Drive,
San Diego, California 92101