European Pain Federation (EFIC) 2017
Copenhagen, Denmark 6-9 September 2017
I am proud to announce the 10th Congress of the European Pain Federation EFIC®. This will be held in Copenhagen, Denmark from 6th to 9th September 2017. This Congress follows on from a series of successful meetings throughout Europe over the last 22 years; however, this year we are planning major changes in both form and content.
On behalf of EFIC, it gives me great pleasure to invite you to participate in this innovative and informative event that we are sure will once again be the leading pain Congress in Europe. EFIC was formed in 1993, and has grown in size and scope over the last 21 years. It has become established as the European voice of all those who study and treat pain. We have developed into Europe´s most important multi-disciplinary and multi-professional organization in the field of pain medicine, representing 37 constituent National Pain Societies with over 20,000 scientists, physicians, nurses, psychologists, physiotherapists and other healthcare professionals.
During the Congress we will explore the scientific application of clinical pain management, looking ahead and highlighting how best we can apply pain treatment in the future. We have an excellent, broad-based Scientific Programme Committee, Chaired by Thomas Toelle. The SPC is working on an attractive and ambitious programme, which will cover all the different multi-disciplinary aspects of research and medical practice in our field.
Delegates fee starts from: EUR 200
Time: 8:00 am to 7:00 pm