EuroPCR Paris 2017
Paris, France 16-19 May 2017
What makes this Course unique?
Step out of your daily work environment, the world is full of physicians similar to you. It is certainly rewarding to take a step back from the day-to-day grind and to share and debate your ideas. Each year at EuroPCR partnerships are forged, research projects are born and career opportunities are created. EuroPCR is a world in itself.
Translate new scientific knowledge into meaningful advances in patient care. Stay up-to-date with techniques, devices, trials and the latest controversies to generate consensus from our community. You have four days away from the cathlab, use this opportunity to learn from the best.
They are all here: 120+ companies from the pharmaceutical industry to device and equipment manufacturers. Their best representatives are at EuroPCR. Discover their new products and R&D projects. Share your needs and opinions with them - interaction between practitioners and industry partners is crucial to the future developments & innovation in the field.
Physician Full Course (Early Bird Fee): EUR 1200
Nurse / Allied professional Full Course (Early Bird Fee): EUR 880
Exhibitor Full Course (Tuesday to Friday) (Early Bird Fee): EUR 860
Industry representative without a booth Day Pass (early bird fee): EUR 725
Speakers: J. Fajadet, W. Wijns, M. Haude, A Cremonesi
Le Palais des Congras de Paris - VIPARIS
2 place de la Porte Maillot
Paris 75017