Tenth European Academic Research Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and Social Sciences
Paris, France 5-7 July 2018
The primary focus of this upcoming conference is to bring together academicians, scholars, economists, bankers, market analysts and specialists in various fields of research interest in social sciences research to present their research papers and share their knowledge and experience on contemporary issues affecting the global economy. We, in addition to regular paper presentations, organize invited lectures/panel discussion on selected topics closely synchronized with the conference theme and topics related to Global Business, Economics, Finance, Banking and Social Sciences.
A 10% Group Discount on the ‘registration fee’ available for a group comprising three members.
A 5% discount is applicable for those who register and complete conference fee payment on or before the deadline- April 10, 2018.
(Not applicable to one-day attendance).
For more details please visit: www.globalbizresearch.org
E-mail: parisconf@globalbizresearch.org
Conference link: http://globalbizresearch.org/France_Conference_2018_july1/
Panel Discussion!
We are also planning to organize a panel discussion on the following topic on day 1 of the conference. We are pretty confident that the discussion would greatly help academicians and scholars
Topic: Enhancing the conceptual skills of your students! Your role as a mentor?