85th EAS Congress - European Atherosclerosis Society
Prague, Czech Republic 23-26 April 2017
The historical city of Prague is a picturesque setting for the EAS Congress; its charming bridges symbolising the progress in the field as world-leading experts come together to inform and inspire.
The comfortable atmosphere of the congress venue and its impressive setting will provide a unique meeting place for high-level interdisciplinary exchange.
5 Reasons to attend EAS 2017
1. A forward-looking scientific programme to excite, inspire and inform
The EAS 2017 Scientific Committee has created a programme featuring ground-breaking speakers in their respective fields.
2. Share, connect and explore within our many networking opportunities
EAS brings together clinicians and basic scientists across a range of disciplines, all from top-flight opinion leaders to those just starting their careers. The programme is created to give many opportunities, both formal and informal, for the personal, face-to-face discussions that spark scientific creativity, stimulate collaboration and can lead to new friendships.
EAS2016 member -early: EUR 300
Non member -early: EUR 500
EAS 2016 Member – age 35 or under - early: EUR 150
Non-member student-early: EUR 250
Prague Congress Center
5. kvetna 65
Prague 140 21
Czech Republic