22nd Annual Medical Technologies: A Frost & Sullivan Executive MindXchange: Coronado, CA, USA, 19-21 March 2017
22nd Annual Medical Technologies: A Frost & Sullivan Executive MindXchange

22nd Annual Medical Technologies: A Frost & Sullivan Executive MindXchange

Coronado, CA, USA
19-21 March 2017

It's Time to Reinvent Your Business Model: Risk sharing/outcomes; solution centric approaches; ecommerce; consumer engagement; open innovation; the entry of new players – the pace of change is dizzying. Come up with the right game plan to ensure you have the business model in place to remain relevant and positioned for future success.

Disruptive Technology is Here: IoT, artificial intelligence, and analytics, among others, have ushered in a new era of medicine and radical changes in your business landscape.

Connected Healthcare is Real: The movement of care outside traditional settings is transforming medicine through connected health solutions. Develop a plan for partnering with providers, payers, device manufacturers, governments and telecom companies to establish connectivity ecosystems that can efficiently leverage data into actionable insights.

The Face of Your Customer is Changing: As innovative therapies and interventions are developed, the addressable population increases. The ability to care for more customers and the changing decision making structure calls for rethinking traditional market approaches. Develop a roadmap for successfully engaging with the customer of the future.

Servitization of Healthcare is the Future: Innovative PaaS & DaaS models will open new revenue streams driving future sustainability. Uncover and assess the opportunities to capitalize on this significant industry trend and transform your organization.

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