12th International Congress on Innovations in Coronary Artery Disease-ICCAD
Venice, Italy 15-17 October 2017
The 12th International Congress on Innovations in Coronary Artery Disease (ICCAD 2017) – From Prevention to Intervention will follow the format of the very successful previous ICCAD meetings and will provide a comprehensive bench to bedside update on coronary artery disease in all its aspects.
The scientific program of ICCAD 2017 is being planned with the collaboration and endorsement of the ESC Working Group for Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy and other prestigious groups. Keynote lectures will be delivered by a distinguished international faculty, while a large number of selected free communications will report new data from basic research laboratories and clinical centers around the globe.
The ICCAD program will include sessions on basic research, stem cell research and myocardial repair, vascular biology and clinical cardiology. We will also dedicate sessions to new advances in pharmacotherapy, especially to the current challenges in antithrombotic and antiplatelet therapy and to the new drugs in lipidology and diabetes which may so dramatically change the outcome and improve the prognosis.
Full Registration: EUR 500
Students / Trainees / Nurses / Technicians: EUR 380
Speakers Basil S. Lewis, Jeffrey S. Borer, Roberto Ferrari, Roberto Caporale, Giancarlo Casolo, Sergio Castellani, Claudio Ceconi, Filippo Crea, Gaetano De Ferrari, Giuseppe De Luca, Andrea Di Lenarda, Giuseppe Di Pasquale, Gian Paolo Fadini, Roberto Ferrari, Domenico Gabrielli, Michele M. Gulizia, etc.