11th Annual Clinical Trial Billing And Research Compliance Conference
The Woodlands, Texas, USA 5-8 March 2017
This conference series has made significant strides in helping billing compliance sophistication throughout the years by bringing all stakeholders to the table.
Academic, Government and Nonprofit Rate* Early Bird Rate - All-Inclusive Pass: USD 1795
Academic, Government and Nonprofit Rate* Early Bird Rate - Conference + Pre-Conference Workshop Day: USD 1595
Academic, Government and Nonprofit Rate* Early Bird Rate - Conference + Master Class Day: USD 1595
Academic, Government and Nonprofit Rate* Early Bird Rate - Conference Only: USD 1195
Academic, Government and Nonprofit Rate* Standard Rate All-Inclusive Pass: USD 1995
Academic, Government and Nonprofit Rate* Standard Rate - Conference + Pre-Conference Workshop Day: USD 1795
Academic, Government and Nonprofit Rate* Standard Rate - Conference + Master Class Day: USD 1795
Academic, Government and Nonprofit Rate* Standard Rate - Conference Only: USD 1395
Corporate Rate - Early Bird Rate - All-Inclusive Pass: USD 2095
Corporate Rate - Early Bird Rate Conference + Pre-Conference Workshop Day: USD 1995
Corporate Rate - Early Bird Rate Conference + Master Class Day: USD 1995
Corporate Rate - Early Bird Rate - Conference Only: USD 1695
Corporate Rate - Standard Pricing - All-Inclusive Pass: USD 2295
Corporate Rate - Standard Pricing - Conference + Pre-Conference Workshop Day: USD 2195
Corporate Rate - Standard Pricing - Conference + Master Class Day: USD 2195
Corporate Rate - Standard Pricing Conference Only: USD 1895